Case Studies

Enhancing group coordination to simplify event planning and community

Hubble - 2024


Designing a hub to drive growth across multiple ventures

Blank Studio - 2024

Creating an AI-powered app to help users find tech jobs efficiently

Building a platform for travelers to discover global experiences

Creating an online store for personalized interior design made easy

Jobbit - 2024

Wayfarer - 2023

Toonodes - 2023

Case Studies


Enhancing group coordination to simplify event planning and community

Designing a hub to drive growth across multiple ventures

Creating an AI-powered app to help users find tech jobs efficiently

Building a platform for travelers to discover global experiences

Creating an online store for personalized interior design made easy

Hubble - 2024

Blank Studio - 2024

Jobbit - 2024

Wayfarer - 2023

Toonodes - 2023